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Word of the Week


This has two very different meanings.

First meaning: the actual letters, emails or other written messages.

Example of using it in a sentence "I have entered in to correspondence with a Study Buddy to improve our letter writing."

A second meaning for this word is having a close similarity, connections or equivalence like in maths.

This word builds upon the word correspond. The ‘cor’ meaning ‘together’ and the ‘respond’ meaning ‘agree with or return.’ So, with the agreement of the assembled.

Spelling tip: we are going to say the sounds here separately and remembering that this word has two ‘r’s’ and that it is the ‘ence’ family.

cor + re + sp + ond + ence

Use the word as many times throughout the week. This can be verbally, in your written work or listen out for other people using it.


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