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Word of the Week

Acquire (verb)

Meaning to buy or gather together something thing for yourself.

Example of using it in a sentence "I acquired all the books I needed for this term. "

It can also mean: developing a skill.

Example of using it in a sentence “The Y9 students have acquired the knowledge about grunds.”

This comes from the Latin and is made up in two parts ‘ac’ which is the ‘to’ part of the verb. Some of us are learning about the formal gerund or present participle this week! The second part is ‘quire’ which means ‘to seek’ – as in ‘inquire’ to ask a question. Simply put together it means “to seek” but it has a second added understanding that you found it!

Spelling tip: we can use our spelling knowledge here with the ‘r’ and the ‘e’ combination at the end by breaking it up.

Ac + qu + i + r + e

Use the word as many times throughout the week. This can be verbally, in your written work or listen out for other people using it.


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