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Time to Support Your Homeschooling Teacher

This week you will notice that you will have in your pack both week 6 and week 7. This is because next week is the Great South Run, which I will be running in and I won't have time to print off week 7.

I have been training for this run for months often turning up to lessons with sore or stiff muscles. Now it is your time to do a bit of support.

I am looking for you to sponsorship!

How you can sponsor me:

1) You can give me some of your pocket money in our lessons this week or next week.

2) You can pester you parents to go on line at

I am running for Young Carers. Some of you and your study buddies are Young Carers. You will also know I am a Trustee at Action for Carers who support Surrey Young Carers.

We are here to support carers of all ages, right across Surrey, with information, support and advice.

As a carer my self I am very proud to support this amazing charity because Action for Carers Surrey can support carers by phone, through face-to-face meetings, support groups, events and workshops.

We have ‘Hubs’ – locations across Surrey for carers to drop-in for information and support. We can help with benefits advice, advocacy, give practical guidance on moving and handling, and provide a wealth of information and free resources. We can also signpost carers, and the person they care for, on to relevant specialised sources of support.

Action for Carers Surrey have specialist support too. It is this section of the charity, I have done all this huffing and puffing for.

If you’re a young carer (aged under 18), our Surrey Young Carers Team offers free information and support, plus workshops, activities and groups, to give young carers time out from caring and help you achieve as much as you can in life. They also help schools identify and support young carers, who are not homeschoolers!

Please get in touch by calling the fabulous team on 0303 040 1234; TEXT us on 07723 486730; or email

They will be delighted to hear from you.

Mum's and Dad's would you be interested?

Can you help us support Surrey’s carers? We’re grateful to hear from individuals and organisations who might be able to help with fundraising or other support. We’re also keen for volunteers – mainly to work in our ‘Hubs’ but in other roles too, such as Trustees and at events.


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