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The Home School Advent Calendar - 6th December

Today is St Nicholas Day, it is a day to honour St Nicholas, the 4th century bishop of Myra. It is this dishop that we get another famous tradition from. The very basic, stripped back tale of St Nicholas I know is that the bishop learnt that some children were to be sold in to slavery becsue the famaily could no longer afford to feed themselves and they only things of value they had where three daughters. The bishop could not be seen to interfer openly, so in the. dead of night he aranged for a bag of coins to be delivered into the house unseen, to be found in the morning. One other thing you should know about St Nicholas is that he wore red. Hmmmmmmm! now who does that remind us of?

Today, as part of our Homeschool Advent activities, I am asking you to spare a few coins and give to a children's charity. It doesn't matter how much or how little - as long as you give something.


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