Orchard Training Homeschool Garden Club - Turmeric
Although it might be cold in the garden, there's still much to do in terms of planning, repairing, and tidying up for the upcoming year. This year, the members of the Orchard Training Garden Club are also part of the Orchard Training Cookery Club.
While searching for seeds to order and planning our seed exchange for next week, we began discussing foods we can't grow in the United Kingdom but consume regularly. We identified 12 such foods and plan to explore each one over the next 12 months.
1. Tea
2. Coffee
3. Chocolate
4. Pineapple
5. Mango
6. Avocado
7. Vanilla
8. Banana
9. Oranges
10. Black pepper
11. Cinnamon
12. Turmeric
We will examine them from various curriculum perspectives, such as the environmental aspect—air miles, geographical origin, and historical investigation into what was used before these foods reached the UK. From a Design and Technology angle, we'll consider if we choose not to buy or can no longer purchase these foods: how can we substitute them in recipes? We will then experiment with some popular recipes using alternatives that we could cultivate in the Orchard Training Homeschool Garden.
As we have been celebrating National Curry Day (12th January), we will focus on turmeric this month. Can we create a blend using saffron, paprika, or mustard for color and some ginger for warmth? We will explore its nutritional values and its use as a spice, in traditional medicine, and in religious practices. What did the British use before turmeric arrived in the UK in the 17th century?
If you have a recipe that substitutes turmeric with a plant we can easily grow here, please let us know.