Homeschool Garden Club - Nasturtiums
Nasturtiums not only look pretty, they’re edible too! You can eat the leaves and petals – they taste a bit peppery and look amazing in salads. Nasturtiums are colourful, fast-growing flowers that you can grow in the ground or in containers, hanging baskets and window boxes. They come in lots of colours including cream, yellow, orange, pink, red and burgundy.
Nasturtium seeds are easy to collect. Save some to plant next year and swoop them at the seed swop events for something you might like to try.
Suggestions from our friends at the allotment are:
‘Firebird’ - Orange and red
‘Banana split’ - Gold and yellow
‘Chameleon’ - changes colour between pink and cream!
Why Should You Grow Them?
They’re edible!
Nasturtiums are quick growing; it takes just eight weeks from seed to flower. Nasturtiums attract bees and other pollinators to your garden. Pollinators are attracted to the flowers but then go on to pollinate your fruit and vegetables.
Blackfly like them and so you can use them as companion plants, the black flies on the nasturtiums and leaving the broad beans alone.
You Will Need:
Nasturtium seeds
Container, box or hanging basket (if using)
Watering can
Prepare Your Soil
If you want to grow your nasturtiums in containers, fill them with soil.
If you’re growing them in the ground, remove the weeds and rake it well.
They like to be in full sun and they prefer soil without too much compost.
Plant Your Seeds Outside
Sow your seeds outside from March to May where you want the flowers to grow.
Make a drill in the soil 2cm deep with your finger.
Sprinkle the seeds in and cover with soil.
Gently water.
If you want another row, it should be 30cm away from the first one.
Caring For Your Nasturtiums
Water your plants regularly, but be careful not to over-water them.
‘Deadheading’ - removing dead flowers - will keep them blooming longer.
Your nasturtiums may need to be trimmed back occasionally.
Blackfly like nasturtiums. Get rid of them by watering with a weak solution of eco washing up liquid.