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Learning lessons the hard way: Less haste - more speed!

As you will know by now, I have made it back from the Arctic Circle in one piece - uneaten by polar bears. So fully charged, I was rushing about full of energy but tired. As a result, I made two mistakes.

One made me look un-reliable because I said I had done something and nothing happened the other end – dyslexic switching of two digits at the wrong moment. I know, I tell all of you to check and double check!

The second a costlier mistake! I wanted something done quickly and I wanted it done now! A bad combination, I tried moving some furniture downstairs and in my haste lost my footing, falling backwards on to the floor at the bottom. The good news, I had the pleasure of my very first ambulance ride, spent time with some amazing doctors, nurses and ancillary staff. Luckily, I haven’t broken anything. I have only damaged my hip, knee and ankle - so won’t be driving for a while. The bad news, I scared my family ridged and spent Mothers’ Day in A and E having head to toe scans. I have one humdinger of headache and stiches. I will be on crutches for at least 5 weeks.

So, the lesson learnt this weekend. Focus on one thing at a time and do the Health and Safely checks - FIRST. I know all of you are going to tease me something rotten as I am always telling you to risk assess, look out for the dangers, put things in place to stop accidents. I am putting my hand up to these two - so you know that some lessons are learnt the hard way. You make mistakes when you rush and you make mistakes when you’re tired.

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