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Reading For Pleasure - Parents Page

Top 10 Reasons Why Your Child Should Read For Pleasure

Why Read For Pleasure

Why read for pleasure? Reading is a use it or lose it skill. If you don’t practice over time it becomes harder and harder.


Reading for pleasure means any reading that is primarily for enjoyment. It covers a wide range of genres and publications, and includes both fiction and non-fiction. 


For example, gardening or cookery books can be read as instructional texts in order to carry out specific tasks, but can also be read purely for pleasure. 


Reading for pleasure should not be restricted to books from the library but increasingly includes online reading, whether on a website, or via an e-reader such as a Kindle.


  • Fiction: Novels, short stories, jokes, comics, poetry, lyrics, plays and scripts

  • Non-fiction: Reference books, newsletters, letters, emails, biographies, memoirs, newspapers, magazines, websites



Happy Kids with Books
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