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The Personal, Social And Emotional - Parents Page

What Are We Calling The Personal, Social and Emotional?

Keeping Emotional Healthy includes keeping safe, keeping your wellbeing, keeping strong, keeping in touch and identify where and when you are at risk. A healthy body and regular exercise helps us keep a healthy mind but keeping safe also helps us. Being home schooled can sometimes be lonely and for some this does not help the depression that may have led to us being home schooled in the first place. So, here at Orchard Training we talk about Personal, Social and


Emotional Education a lot - and what to do about it. 


For many of our learners learning on their own means that they are lonely. They need support to take a risk and join a group especially if they have left school due to bulling.


For some of learners who we see in hospital - Feel very down because of the illness, because of the length of treatment, the medication and the isolation. 


So we talk about "being mental healthy" not just being "physical fit." 

Following a Set Programme of Learning

Teaching mental health education involves more than just your emotions. It involves helping learners not only to see their mind but their bodies in a new way. It involves building learners confidence in their ability to solve challenging problems, and empowering them to build a better future for themselves and others.


Because we don't have to follow the National Curriculum we can spend a whole lot more time on this- if this is what is needed to be talked about!  You can't all ways talk to mum and dad about stuff. Sometimes you need an outside the family opinion. 


Staying safe by our self is a very important part of growing up. Some of our learners find the transition in to independence very trick and for some its dam right scary! We spend a lot of time dealing with this - nothing will surprise us.


We take disclosures  and child protection very seriously and have procedures in place to report abuse. If you would like to see these policies and procedures - please just ask.


Keeping your child safe is a team effort!

Recording The Learning

Keeping a record of the activity in the diary is the best way of recording this. We will encourage the learners to keep notes about what we talk about when we visit. 


Why not join us on Facebook or follow our blog, joining in with 

Mischievous Moral Mayhem


Every week we will set at social problem or issue on Facebook and via the blog. Encouraging the learner to write 200 to 500 words on how they would solve this. Keep these as part of the evidence log.


If there is an obvious parent friendly answer we will encourage them to write a "Mum Friendly Version" in case you want to read their answer. We will also encourage them to do one for me, if their answer would be very different.   


This is not encouraging them to go behind your back - you will want to know that you have done a good job bring them up - that is only natural. 


But they need some space and if they are a teenager, if they have been bullied or are on the autistic spectrum they might see the world a little differently from the rest of the world. It is ok to say to me, "I don't know if I would do this" or I would hate to do that because . . ." or even "because of this - I feel like doing this . . ." They need some space to talk independently, without judgement about that, to say stuff without worring that it might hurt the other person's feelings and you can't always do that with your parents - sorry!


It is a case of trust: it stays private, unless we decide to encourage them to tell you - you won't be told. 



If I hear anything that is of real concern we will follow our safe guarding procedures.

Portrait of a Boy with Glasses

Making Friends After Leaving A Hostile School Environment.

If you have left school after being bullied or because you have found making friends very difficult, the isolation of home schooling can at first feel like a blessing - but "cabin fever" can soon set in and loneliness can be very hard to deal with.  


Let's face it - your mum is lovely but you don't really want to spend every minute of the day with her. Absence makes the heart grown fonder - after all.


So why not join us and learn to make friends again. We walk on the first Thursday of every month to get over the shyness of meeting people for the first time. They are in the same boat as you for very similar reasons. 


Why not join us on

Walking for Friendship?

You are around at a friends house and sitting at the dining table. You hear a distinct crack as you swing on the chair. The parent is not in room but is in the house - will you own up to breaking the chair?


There is no right or wrong answer here! Write 200 to 500 words about what you would do or could do.

Here, at Orchard Training we try to embed this into our projects, where it sits naturally and can be enjoyed. 


You don’t need any fancy, expensive equipment to teach this just time and good listening skills.   


Your emotions are tied up to your sleep patterns and eating. If you need support in either area please talk to us. 

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