Mischievous Moral Mayhem
This week’s Mischievous Moral Mayhem is: You and your family have spent a lovely time decorating the Christmas tree. Your alone in the...
The Home School Advent Calendar - 9th December
This season can feel lonely for individuals with few or no family members nearby. Take the time today to visit, call, or write to someone...
The Home School Advent Calendar - 8th December
Today, we celebrate Time Traveler Day, so in the spirit of journeying back to an era when Christmas decorations were crafted by hand,...
The Home School Advent Calendar - 7th December
Today, I suggest setting aside some time to enjoy board games. If losing often frustrates you, try to stay calm, and if you tend to gloat...
The Home School Advent Calendar - 6th December
Today is St Nicholas Day, it is a day to honour St Nicholas, the 4th century bishop of Myra. It is this dishop that we get another famous...
Weekly Maths Problem
Don’t forget to write out the Weekly Maths Problem at the top of your page, date the work and show all your workings out (even the wrong...
The Home School Advent Calendar - 5th December
Today it is International Volunteers Day. Keeping in mind that this holiday season it's not about the most impressive gift you receive,...
Word of the Week
frequently Meaning: something that happens regularly or often Example of using it in a sentence “The Orchard Training Garden Club meets...
The Home School Advent Calendar - 4th December
The first and second Sundays of Advent are typically hectic, and this day falls in between the candle lighting, Stir Up Sunday, with its...
The Home School Advent Calendar - 3rd December
Very shortly, if you are lucky, you will be receiving some new "stuff". Now we all know that bedrooms and cupboards don't magically get...