Friday's Reflections
Well done everyone, we made it to the half term break! Collectively (everyone from our Reception Class to those in university) together...

Friday's Reflections
We have now made it to the half way point of this half term. We have done three weeks and we have three weeks to go. January is a hard...

Friday's Reflections
We have made it to the end of the first week of this lockdown. Well done to every one for such a positive start. There are five weeks to...

Healthy New Year!
Welcome back and Healthy New Year (Happy New Year doesn’t feel quite appropriate particularly as a number of our families have reported...

Friday’s Reflections
Well we have all made it to the Christmas Holidays, some of you sooner than others. I loved the final push which means that everyone gets...

Friday's Reflections
Well we have made it through another week of lockdown and some of you are on in Y8 are on fire with the multiplication of fractions. You...

Friday's Reflections
We have made it to the end of another lockdown week. Some of you prefer this way of working and are actually doing a lot more work with...

Friday Reflections
Two weeks into the second lockdown and we are making a good dent in to those fractions and verbs. Well done for everyone for putting in...

Friday Reflections
Well we have made it through the first week. Only two of you messed up with your appointment times - so things are going well. Everyone...

Friday Reflections
We have made it to half term. It has been an interesting 8 weeks from the start of term. Together collectively, we have worked on just...