Learning on The Move – Bergen, Norway
Bergen, the second largest city in Norway and a UNESCO World Heritage site, was established in 1070 AD by King Olaf III Haraldsson....
Orchard Training Garden Club - Pears
We have had a lovely healthy harvest fo pears this year and we have been working hard on processing them. We have preserved pears in...
Health Education - The Clocks Go Back
On Sunday, the 27th of November, the clocks will be set back by one hour. For students in KS3 and KS4, the previous half term was...
Weekly Maths Problem
Don’t forget to write out the Weekly Maths Problem at the top of your page, date the work and show all your workings out (even the wrong...
Word of the Week
February Meaning: the second month of the year Example of using it in a sentence “In February we will still be swimming as part of our...
Celebrating Apple Day
National Apple Day falls on the 21st of October. Our celebration of apples started back in the summer holidays, thanks to the presence of...
Mischievous Moral Mayhem
This week’s Mischievous Moral Mayhem is: You live near an orchard; the apples are ready but the owners are away on holiday. Do you hop...
Weekly Maths Problem
Don’t forget to write out the Weekly Maths Problem at the top of your page, date the work and show all your workings out (even the wrong...
Autumn Half Term
We break for our Autumn Half Term on Friday 25th October. We return to learning on Monday 4th November 2024.
Word of the Week
feasible Meaning: something is possible or able to be done Example of using it in a sentence “It is not a feasible explanation that your...